I have been friends with Chris and Joe for years

I have been friends with Chris and Joe Roy for years they are the most caring an compastionate peopele that I know. I have watched them help people in the trying of times.I am so glad to call them my friends. Joe and Chis Roy have helped many people through the rough times that a death in the family causes. I want to just say thank you for all that you do. I am glad to know that they are here in Great Barrington and that the Birches Roy Funeral Home is here to meet your needs as a caring and compasionate business.

Paul Adams Moulthrop

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The Birches Roy Funeral Home

Birches-Roy Funeral Home offers both Traditional and Cremation Services as well as out of town service. We also offer pre-need planning and assistance. Joseph Roy and his staff bring a wealth of experience and compassionate attention to your every need. They will be happy to provide you with planning assistance in our funeral home or in the comfort of your own home.

  • Basic Services of Funeral Director and Staff
  • The services of our staff available and ready to serve 24 hours a day 7 days a week.
  • Registered and licensed funeral director to consult with the family and arrange the funeral or memorial service according to the family’s wishes.
  • Licensed funeral director and assistant for transfer of patient from place of death to funeral home.
  • Obtaining the signature of the attending physician or medical examiner on the required certificate, filing same certificate with health authorities where death occurred.
  • Procuring burial permit and filing with cemetery
  • Obtaining certified copies of death certificate as necessary
  • Necessary arrangements with clergy, church and cemetery.
  • Contact and arrangements with military for military funeral if needed
  • Composing and submitting newspaper notice
  • Assistance in obtaining social security benefits and/or veterans benefits when eligible and securing veteran’s flag when required
  • Funeral Directors and Staff to conduct Funeral Ceremonies
  • Licensed funeral directors and staff to arrange, conduct and supervise funeral ceremony or memorial service.
Category Funeral Facts Tags , ,